Get A Mobile Optimized App & Mobile Website And Market Like The Big Boys!
Mobile smart-phones are with your customers day and night. Its a personal platform that has great significance in the marketing realm. Unlike your old flyers that were looked at and then thrown on a car seat, stuffed in a pocket or thrown away. Your new flyers will have a call to action that you can track . You can now engage with potential clients with QR Codes. These codes can be added to flyers, items, clothes, posters, business and more. They allow your customer to visit your website, call you directly, watch a video or text you. Print ads just skyrocketed to new heights. 71% of people search on their mobile phones because they saw an ad. QR Codes are scanned immediately and help you stay connected. We like Microsoft Tag because its fun, easy and has FREE tracking included. Now you can know which flyers are producing results and which are not. Get more leads and sales. Try QR Codes today and take your business to new heights. Its not word of mouth it word of mobile. Go Mobile Today! 
The President of Google On Mobile Search

1-Smart phone sales are looking to out perform global pc sales within 3 years
2-Mobile web adoption is growing at least 8X faster than the equivalent point 10 yrs ago for the desktop
3-Half of new internet connections are from mobile devices you need to get mobile optimized sites. 

When mobile get's to the top, many business owners will be wondering what happened to their website visitors, in store visits and overall revenues. There are definitely adjustments to be made right now for the emerging mobile market.  Don't wait for this trend to pass you by.

Please visit the rest of this site to see the service's we have put in place  to address your needs as the internet goes mobile.

When a potential client wants your product or service and they grab their mobile phone to find it – will they find you or your competition? Try us now!

Have you seen one of those cryptic black and white square labels on a sign in a business somewhere. Have you ever scanned one with your cell phone to see what happens? If you haven't, then I'm sorry you probably never will.

That technology, QR Codes, is on its way out. It's going to be replaced by near-field communication (NFC) chips that ship with phones and provide a much easier way to accomplish many of the same tasks.

Instead of pointing your phone at the square black and white  image, scanning it, and waiting, you'll simply be able to hold your phone up near a sign with an NFC chip and get exactly the same results.

Indication of the change comes from Google, which quietly phased out support for QR Codes from its Google Places service earlier this week. When Places launched, businesses could put a sign with a QR code in their front window. Passersby could scan the sign and their mobile browser would launch the Google Places page for the business, with information like reviews and special offers. (This video shows how it worked.)

But last December, Google started sending out window decals with NFC chips to participating businesses in Portland, Oregon. Earlier this week, Google officially dropped support for QR codes from the product.

Today, Google upped its membership in the NFC Forum, becoming a principal member. The company has already teamed up with Citigroup, Verifone, and MasterCard to make sure that NFC payment systems will work on future Android phones.

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